The so-called poster sessions are already an integral part of every bigger academic congress. The academic poster is an exciting way how one can present their research. But it can be also very tricky. How much text is too much? Is the graphic eye-catching? Will the recipients understand our concept? These are just a few of the many questions we discussed while working on our poster for the 16th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF).

Let us shortly introduce you how we dealt with them:

We tried to use as little text as possible, as a poster is primarily a graphic presentation. At the same time, however, you should also learn about our project. That is why we added a short paragraph with some basic information.

The main part of the poster is the graphic of a doll house. It represents not only the formerly German houses, but at the same time also an object – a children’s toy. Inside you can find additional objects that were left behind by Germans and reused by settlers in post-displacement regions in Czechia, Poland and Slovakia. Further objects can be found in the „landscape“ around the house.

More information about our poster you can see here.